Ad Making


SEMCOM stands for innovation and creativity. Of the variety of events in SEMCOM, Novellus — The Ad Making Show is unique in itself. The pioneer of this concept is Dr. Nikhil Zaveri who inaugurated this event in 2011. Novellus means unique and was quoted as "Think beyond the Obvious". The purpose of introducing this event was to focus upon the social issues prevailing in the society and giving the students a platform to express their concern over it.

Our Institution has been organizing Ad–Making Contest every year since 2011. In the initial two years at the contest, students were required to prepare TV Commercials on any one social issues selected by them. In order to prepare creative TV commercials and to acquaint them with the world of advertising, students have undergone rigorous trainings, workshops and sessions conducted by experts like Mr. Pranav Jani – (Programming head, Radio city Ahmedabad),Mr. Kamal Joshi- (Ex Director of European union), Prof. Subhash Tendle (MICA , Ahmedabad), Prof. Rajan Nair. (MICA, Mumbai), Mr.Sanjoi Chakroborty (Creative Head, Triton Communications) who have imparted knowledge regarding the technicalities of making an Ad, how to think out of the box and present it in the most creative manner.

This Year, the event was held on 29th January 2018. Out of a total 36 teams which registered for Ad-making, 13 teams were selected for final competition. 12 Teams participated for Television Advertisements and 9 Teams participated for Radio Advertisements. The winning team leaders for Television Advertisements are Rutuma Gandhi (S.Y.BBA-ITM)(First), Jitesh Gulgulia (T.Y.BBA)(Second) and Shlok Singh Swanni (4th Year BBA-ITM) (Third). A cash prize of Rs.7000, Rs.5000 and Rs.3000 was awarded to the first 3 teams. The winning team leaders for Radio Advertisements are Siddharth Agrawal (4th Year BBA-ITM) (First), Kaushal Mistry (T.Y.BCom) (Second) and Dhrunal Patel (S.Y.BCA)(Third). A cash prize was awarded to the winning teams. The jury for the day included Mr. Pranav Jani, Branding & Media Consultant-Ahmedabad, Dr. Navneet Chauhan, Ex. Proff. & Head-Hindi Deptt. Sardar Patel University, Shri. Sunil Adesara, Freelance Photographer, and jury alumnis of SEMCOM were Mr. Pratikraj Patalia, Cinematographer and Mr. Paul Varghese, Director of Photography in Bollywood Films.

Ad Making
Ad Making
Ad Making