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IT Act 2000





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Our Services

We provide services to a wider range of activities and areas related to Internet transactions/activities, whether for business or non-business / profit or non-profit as follows:



  1. When you are seeking an academic opinion on problems being faced by you;

  1. When you are likely to enter into any transaction, and you would like to know about legal provisions on the same;

  1. When you are seeking directional inputs on problems to be avoided;

  1. When you are likely to take "e" initiative in your activities, and you are seeking an academic opinion/advice on care to be taken to avoid legal problems or for smooth running;

  1. When you desire to reinstate trust with your suppliers / customers or any stake holders, the legal matters or issues which you would like to know;

  1. When you are a researcher as an academician or student, you would like to know more on your areas of interest which carry legal implications;

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